Clinic and Health Services

  •  School Nurse: Jane Herrera, RN



    Click here for School Health Services Flyers, Form and District Policies





    Students will be sent home for fever > 100 degrees F (or 37.8 degrees C); vomiting or diarrhea; drainage from a wound, rash or eyes; or unexplained rash. Students may not return to school until they have been fever-free or symptom-free for 24 hours (one school day) without taking medication.


    Please notify school nurse at 770-631-3232 ext 265 if student is diagnosed with any contagious illness (strep throat, mononucleosis, staph infection, flu, etc.). It is important for the school to keep track of the number of illness and the time of year they are experienced.


    Students requiring medication (prescribed or over-the-counter) during the school day must have a signed School Medication Authorization form on file in the clinic. Prescription medication must have a signature from a Doctor licensed to practice in Georgia. All medication must be in the original container or prescription bottle with unexpired date and labeled in English. Parent/Guardian must provide all medication to the clinic including over-the-counter medication.


    Students in possession of any medication (prescribed or over-the-counter) while on school campus shall be subject to disciplinary action as set forth in the Student Code of Conduct. If your student has a life threatening condition (asthma, diabetes or severe allergy), permission may be granted to carry a needed medication (inhaler, glucose tablets, epinephrine injector or insulin injector) by submitting a Health Care Plan signed by the parent and the doctor indicating the student has been trained to carry and administer the medication.


    All medication must be picked up from the clinic by the last day of school. Any medication remaining in the clinic after the last day of school will be disposed of.


    Students are required to have a clinic pass to go to the clinic except in an emergency.


    Students may not use electronic devices to call, text, or e-mail a parent/guardian for permission to check out unless directed by the nurse or clinic worker. Misuse of electronic devices shall be subject to disciplinary action as set forth in the Student Code of Conduct.


    Please keep students' contact information current. If any phone numbers or contact information changes, please notify the school or make change on Infinite Campus’s Parent Portal. It is imperative that someone can be contacted in case of an emergency.


    If student has a severe allergy, asthma, diabetes, seizure, chronic health condition or is post-operative and may require medication or special care during school hours; PLEASE PROVIDE THE SCHOOL NURSE THE HEALTH CARE PLAN THAT IS COMPLETED AND SIGNED BY YOU AND YOUR HEALTHCARE PROVIDER. The Health Care Plans are available at under School Health Services or from the school nurse. 





    All students must have current emergency forms on file in the school clinic. The forms must have current phone numbers where parents or designees may be reached in the event of an emergency. The school nurse administers first aid for minor injuries in the school clinic. When a serious injury occurs, parents are notified immediately, and if appropriate, emergency medical personnel (911) are alerted.





    All students must have current Georgia certificates of immunization on file with the Guidance Office prior to admission. Students must have been immunized against those diseases as specified by the Georgia Department of Human Resources. In addition, all students must furnish certificates of eye, ear, and dental examinations signed by private practitioners or qualified representatives of a local health department.