• Welcome to the 2023-2024 School Year!

    The Huddleston PTO is devoted to supporting the teachers, staff, students, and parents of
    Huddleston Elementary School. Working closely with these groups, we strive to create a safe,
    fun and engaging environment for everyone. We invite you to join us at any of our events,
    programs, or volunteer opportunities.

    2023-2024 PTO Board:

    President:           Natasha Greenstein- natashag57@gmail.com
    Vice President: Rebecca Bohen- wrbohen@gmail.com
    Secretary:           Jessica Kopec- Jessica.kopec@gmail.com
    Treasurer:           Deanna Kattner- djkattner@gmail.com

    Thanks to the efforts of our wonderful donors and volunteers during the 2022/23 school year,
    PTO was able to provide funds for all grade level field trips, the STEAM program students
    attended weekly, and daily recess equipment. We supported staff and teachers by stocking the
    teacher resource closet with needed supplies, and showed our appreciation during our annual
    week long event in the Spring. We hosted in-person events such as Cart or Treat, Family Bingo,
    Spring Carnival, and the Family Dance.

    Goals for the 2023-2024 PTO:

    While our goals may evolve as the school year progresses, we are committed to continue in-
    person events throughout the school year, provide support for our teachers and staff with supplies,
    luncheons and appreciation events, and hope to upgrade our school sign at the entrance of the school.
    We would love for you to join us at any of our monthly PTO meetings, located in the

    Hound Hub (meeting times listed on Konstella)

    August 14th
    September 11th
    October 16th

    November 13th
    December 11th
    January 8th

    February 9th
    March 11th
    April 8th

    May 6th

    Don't forget to sign up for Konstella to get the latest information about our PTO!

    Ask your student's teacher for more information on signing up!