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Students medal on 2024 National Spanish Exam

A large number of county students attained national recognition for excellent performance on the 2024 National Spanish Examinations.

The combined medal count earned by the students includes 14 Premio de Oro (Gold, at or above the 95th percentile), 26 Premio de Plata (Silver, from the 85th-94th percentile), and 45 Premio de Bronce (Bronze, 75th-84th percentile).

The National Spanish Examinations are administered each year in grades 6 through 12, and are sponsored by the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese. For more information, visit


Local students receiving medals in the National Spanish Examinations are:


AP Spanish Gold: Ginger Swayne, Starr’s Mill


AP Spanish Bronze: Bianca Reyes, Starr’s Mill


Level 5 Gold: Sophia Caraballo, McIntosh; Simon Ortiz, McIntosh


Level 5 Silver: Maria Delgado, McIntosh


Level 5 Bronze: Sebastian Hidalgo, McIntosh; Yazmin Melgarejo, McIntosh; Christopher Shim, McIntosh; Daniel Wang, McIntosh


Level 4 Gold: Giovana Ferguson, McIntosh; Zamanta Rios Madrid, McIntosh; Sage Shah, McIntosh; Ellie Shelton, McIntosh; Sara Varga, McIntosh


Level 4 Silver: Sophia Farinacci, McIntosh; Isabella Matthews, McIntosh; Abby McSpadden, Starr’s Mill; Isais Perez, McIntosh; Aixa Pineda, McIntosh; Juan Manuel Ramos Diaz, McIntosh; Teagan Reiter, McIntosh; Matthew Wolf, McIntosh


Level 4 Bronze: Paul Brown, McIntosh; Tiffany Costa, McIntosh; Erin Dunne, McIntosh; Daniel Figueroa, McIntosh; Andrew Giorgi, McIntosh; Hana Miller, McIntosh; Karina Nirenberg, McIntosh; Mark Panait, Starr’s Mill; Ana Sofia Perez-Zavaleta, McIntosh


Level 3 Gold: Isabella Jones, McIntosh; Sophia Madani, McIntosh; Jacob Sims, Whitewater High


Level 3 Silver: Luke DellaTorre, McIntosh; Kayla Foppe, Starr’s Mill; Maribelle Grandea, Whitewater High; Jaslene Portillo, Whitewater High; Avery Salcedo, Whitewater High; Eric Van Hall, McIntosh


Level 3 Bronze: Adelea Barkley, Starr’s Mill; Kayla Hoang, Whitewater High; Sloane Hudgens, Starr’s Mill; Isabella McBride, Starr’s Mill; Christine Nguyen, McIntosh; Luciana Salas, Starr’s Mill


Level 2 Gold: Anna Bruijn, Starr’s Mill


Level 2 Silver: Kaydence Diner, Whitewater High; Ludovic Lythgoe, Whitewater High; Juliana Padilla, Whitewater High; Elizabeth Toth, Whitewater High


Level 2 Bronze: Zakary Bates, Whitewater High; Caoimhe Caskey, Whitewater High; Abigail Crump, Whitewater High; Elsie Fanning, Whitewater High; Aliyah Hayes, Whitewater High; Noah Haywood, Starr’s Mill; Mason Keele, Whitewater High; Ayaan Khan, Whitewater High; Umu King, Whitewater High; Abigail Lightsey, Whitewater High; Johnathan Sweeney, Whitewater High


Level 1 Gold: Gabriel Escalon, Whitewater Middle; Jagad Krishnan, Starr’s Mill


Level 1 Silver: Maribelle Grandea, Whitewater Middle: Jessica Lin, Whitewater High; Jaslene Portillo, Whitewater Middle; Avery Salcedo, Whitewater Middle; Adrianna Wright, Whitewater Middle; Emma Morgan, Whitewater Middle; Alexander Portillo, Whitewater Middle


Level 1 Bronze: Adunola Adeniyi, Whitewater Middle; Morgan Baugh, Whitewater Middle; Jack Bolton, Whitewater Middle; Bailee Foster, Whitewater Middle; Nathan Kwok, Starr’s Mill; Brooke Kalen, Starr’s Mill; Ally Martin, Whitewater Middle; Noah McCotter, Whitewater High; Caroline Moses, Whitewater Middle; Nate Pacetti, Starr’s Mill; Louisa Patterson, Whitewater Middle; Jayden Robinson, Whitewater High; Lucas Vick, Whitewater Middle; Hanna Wages, Whitewater High



Posted 5/17/2024