• Certificate of Enrollment

    A Certificate of Enrollment is required when obtaining a learner's permit and driver's license in Georgia.  

    ADAP Certificate

    An ADAP Certificate is required when obtaining a driver's license.  ADAP is offered through our health classes as a convenience for our students.  If you took health from January 2020-May 2021, or if you were absent the day the course was offered, you will need to take the ADAP Course online.  The instructions are as follows:

    1. dds.georgia.gov
    2. Testing/Training
    3. Alcohol and Drug Awareness Program ADAP/eADAP
    4. Student Registration
    5. Print Your Completed ADAP Certificate.  

    Request for Certificate of Enrollment | ADAP - Please allow 24 hours for processing during the school year and two weeks during the summer.  There is a $2 notary fee for the Certificate of Enrollment.