• What is PBIS?

    Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports (PBIS) is an approach to teaching and supporting positive behaviors and meeting the needs of ALL students. PBIS is a different way of handling discipline. PBIS is proactive, educative, and reinforcement based. The ultimate goal of PBIS is to create a safe and productive environment where educators can teach and all students can learn without disruption. This does not mean that students are no longer punished for inappropriate behaviors. PBIS practices are currently taking place throughout the district. As part of the PBIS initiative, our schools have defined a set of school-wide expectations and rules for behaviors in all areas of the school which are posted throughout the school. All students will be explicitly taught these behavioral expectations through school-developed lesson plans that include examples and non-examples of the specific expectations being addressed. If you have any questions, concerns, or comments, please feel free to contact the PBIS team at North Fayette Elementary.

    NFES PBIS Brochures:

    North Fayette Elementary PBIS Mission

    The PBIS mission of North Fayette Elementary is to help all students reach their greatest potential by utilizing a proactive systems approach and maintaining a safe and effective learning community where our students will learn to be respectful, responsible and safe.

    NFE PBIS Behavior Matrix

    The Behavior Matrix is a detailed description of expected behavior in each setting of the school. The matrix is posted in classrooms, around the school, and sent home.  Click on the link below to see the matrix.

    NFE School-wide Matrix


    At North Fayette Elementary, we have chosen to focus on three behavior expectations or the “3B’s”:  Be Ready, Be Respectful, and Be Responsible.  All adults that are a part of the North Fayette Elementary community share the common goal of making sure all of our students understand our behavioral expectations. The students are taught what these expectations look like in a variety of settings, which include the classroom, restroom, hallway, playground, cafeteria, and on the bus.  These expectations for student behavior can be found on the North Fayette Elementary Behavior Matrix.

    In order to make sure all students understand what is expected of them, our faculty and staff members are involved in providing students with short lessons in which they learn about appropriate behaviors in each of the various settings.  For example, restroom expectations are taught to the students in the restrooms so that students understand explicitly what is expected of them while in the restroom.  Faculty and Staff will teach and re-teach different behavioral expectations throughout the school year.

    Behavior Flow Chart

North Fayette PBIS Creed

  • I pledge today to do my best in reading, math, and all the rest. I promise to obey the rules in my class and in my school. I am respectful, responsible, and safe too. I expect the best in all I do. I am here to learn all I can, to try my best, and be all I am.