Exam Schedule

Exam Exemption Policy

  • Exam Exemption & Final Grading Information

    Per FCBOE policy, a comprehensive final exam, worth 20% of the final grade is to be given in every class.

    Students are not allowed to exempt 1st semester exams for courses that require a Georgia
    Milestone Assessment.

    Exam Exemption Eligibility
    As a reward for excellent attendance or academic performance, students may exempt exams for the following reasons:

    Attendance Exemption:

    • The student must not have been absent from school, checked in late, or checked out early a combined total of more than five times during the semester for any reason (excused or unexcused). This will be confirmed by the attendance secretary and will be marked in Infinite Campus with a bell icon.

    • The student must have an average of 73 or higher average on notification day in the course the student wishes to exempt.

    • The student must not have been tardy (unexcused) to the class the student wishes to exempt.

    • The student must be enrolled the first day of each semester in order to exempt an exam.

    • A student may exempt only one exam for attendance.


    Academic Exemption:

    • Any student who maintains an overall grade point average of 95 or better in a class may choose to exempt the final exam in that class. Students are limited to exempting no more than three exams in which they have maintained an overall grade point average of 95.

    Students may only exempt in one category, either attendance or academic, not both. A student’s grade on Line in the Sand Day determines the student’s exemption status. 

    Any parent who wishes to do so may require their children to take all final exams.