Title I at Flat Rock

  • Jade Bolton, Principal

    Brenda Cannington, Title I Contact

    Melissa Lohr, Parent Liaison


    Title 1 at Flat Rock Middle School

    Title 1 is a federally funded program that allows us to provide additional benefits for the students and families at Flat Rock. Although the number of students on free and reduced lunch determines if we receive the federal funds, the funds can be used to service any student, regardless of the family’s income.

    What is the Purpose of a Title 1 Program?

    The purpose is to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on state achievement standards and state assessments. The program provides extra educational assistance beyond the regular classroom. Title 1 programs must be focused on improving student achievement and include strategies to support parental involvement.

    How do schools receive funding for Title 1 Programs?

    Each school receives funds based on the number of students identified for free and/or reduced lunch. At Flat Rock Middle School, funds are targeted to close academic gaps in all content areas for all students.

    Title 1 Teacher

    During an allotted time period, the Title 1 teacher will provide supplemental educational opportunities. This can include any academic endeavor that is related to the students’ SMART goals and/or the school’s overall goals. The Title I teachers may push into the academic classroom to provide assistance, or may pull out a small group of students to work.

    Family Engagement Evenings

    An innovative approach to family engagement provides schools with a developmental and collaborative process to build effective family-school partnerships. We will have several opportunities this year for parents to participate in both day-time learning and evening learning events.

    Parent Engagement is grounded in the notion that schools can thrive when families and teachers work together, as genuine partners, to maximize student learning inside and outside the school. Its research-based infrastructure is rooted in aligning curriculum,instruction, and assessment as it builds the capacity of educators, families, and the community to advance student achievement by linking home and school learning.

    After school Tutoring Sessions

    Beginning September 2023, students will be invited to stay after school for an hour of tutoring. The sessions will run from 3:30 - 4:30 P.M.

    Saturday MAAS Day

    Students will be able to sign up to work on missed assignments five Saturdays this school year. Please watch the WAAG each week regarding sign up.

    Title 1 Stakeholder Meeting

    During this meeting, all stakeholders (parents, school staff, students, and community members) are invited to come in to hear a summative report about how effective the FRMS Title 1 Program was with the 2023-2024 goals and initiatives. Relevant data is presented and discussed.

    Summer Academy

    For two weeks in the summer, students will be invited to attend Summerbridge STEM camp.

    In addition, we offer the following:

    • Computers and software that enhance the Georgia Standards of Excellence (GSE).
    • Parent workshops that give you ideas and strategies to help your child at home.
    • A Resource Hub with games, books, and activities to promote academic success.