Huddleston Elementary's After School Program

  • Site Manager: Valerie Auber
    Assistant Site Manager: 

    ASP Office Phone: 770.487.9084
    Office Hours: 10:00 a.m – 6:30 p.m
    Program Hours: Dismissal – 6:30 p.m
    Closed for lunch from 12:00 – 1:00 p.m

    Fayette County After School Program Page

    The county site includes the following information:

    • ASP Applications
    • Insurance
    • Emergency forms
    • ASP Family Handbook
    • Family Involvement
    • Guidance & Discipline
    • Medication/Illness
    • Receipts and Taxes
    • Sign-In Procedures (Transition to ASP)
    • Sign-Out Procedures (Releasing Children)
    • Snacks
    • Tax Forms, and more.

    HES After School Program is an affordable, safe option that engages children in a wide variety of fun and creative activities such as:

    • Arts/crafts
    • Fun games
    • Supervised outdoor/gym play
    • Homework center
    • Computer enrichment
    • Community service