Family Sponsorship Form


Family Sponsorship Information

The Huddleston PTO invites you to join our Heroic Hounds as an annual sponsor. While our goals may
evolve during the school year we will continue to raise funds for in person events, student sipport,
teacher and staff support, as well as promote fun educational programs for the students. In addition
to our Boosterthon Fundraiser this is a great way to help support the school.
The Heroic Hounds Sponsorship Program allows the PTO to support teachers and students in the
advancement of their educational career. No amount is too small. For those who provide a donation
of $150 and above, your family name will be placed on our recognition board in the main hallway of
the school.
If you will be contributing for the 2023-2024 school year, please complete the form below and return
it with payment to your child’s teacher. Checks may be made payable to “HES PTO.” When
submitting your form and payment please write “Attn: HES PTO” on the envelope. This will allow
your child’s teacher to deliver your form to the correct person. Forms are due by September 1, 2023.
If you are the owner of a business and would like information on how sponsorship can promote your
business, please check the box on the form below and we will provide you with information about
our sponsorship levels. We have several levels of sponsorship to allow both Small Businesses and
Corporations to participate.
If you have any questions please contact us at

Huddleston_Family Sponsorship Form.pdf, 61.3 KB; (Last Modified on August 31, 2023)