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Kilgore selected for Student Advisory Council
Eli Kilgore, a senior at McIntosh High, will represent Fayette County on State School Superintendent Richard Woods’s 2023-2024 Student Advisory Council. Kilgore is one of just 69 Georgia high school students selected for the prestigious council.
Throughout the year, the students will meet with Superintendent Woods to provide feedback on the impact of state policies in the classroom. Members of the Student Advisory Council will also discuss other education-related issues, serve as the Superintendent’s ambassadors to their respective schools, and participate in service projects to benefit schools and students.
“Georgia’s public schools exist to serve students, and it is absolutely essential that we receive feedback directly from those directly affected by statewide policies,” Superintendent Woods said. “Every year, my Student Advisory Council is an incredibly valuable resource for me, and for my colleagues at the Georgia Department of Education, as we make decisions that will directly impact the classroom. The students selected for this year’s Council are a prestigious group representing schools across the state, and I look forward to working with them to expand educational opportunities for all of Georgia’s children.”
This year, students selected for the Council wrote essays addressing a wide variety of issues in education, including curriculum and graduation requirements; the impact of federal- and state-mandated assessments in the classroom; the importance of teacher recruitment and retention efforts to students’ classroom experience; and access to opportunities and resources for students in rural areas.
Posted 9/28/2023