Continuation of Eligibility

  • What are the criteria for remaining a student in good standing within the Gifted Program?


    Secondary Schools

    A student's performance in all gifted classes is reviewed at the end of each semester; earlier if difficulties become evident.

    Continuation in the Gifted Program in Fayette County requires a student to meet criteria-specific performance requirements in classes for the gifted as evidenced by participation, completion of assignments, and the maintenance of an average of 80 or better in each gifted class and/or a 70 or better in each Advanced Placement class.

    If a student fails to meet the performance requirements in a gifted class, the student will be placed on gifted probation the following semester for that department’s gifted courses. Failure to meet the performance requirements in the same academic area for two consecutive semesters will result in the student’s being declared ineligible for gifted courses from that department for the entirety of the following semester and placed in a non-gifted core course in the same academic area.

    The student may regain gifted placement in that department after meeting all continuation requirements. Re-entry may occur only at the beginning of the next 18-week semester. The student is allowed to remain in all other gifted classes as long as all continuation requirements are met.

    Parents are notified in writing at the end of each semester of changes in placement status.