- Fayette County High School
- Scholarships
High school senior from at least one of the following ethnicities: African American, American Indian/Alaska Native*, Asian/Pacific Islander American, and/or Hispanic American
A US citizen, national, or permanent resident
Planning on pursuing a degree at an accredited college or university.
GPA= 3.3 on a 4.0 scale
High School Seniors who have shown outstanding academic ability despite financial challenges.
Top 5-10% of graduating class.
SAT/ACT scores accepted, not required
Evidence of strong writing ability
Household income= less than $65k annually for a household of 4.
High School Senior planning to attend a college/university in the fall.
Bright, young leaders who excel academically and are actively involved in their schools and communities
If your parent is a Coca-Cola employee, you may NOT apply for program
GPA= 3.0 Minimum
Colleges that Give the Best Scholarships
Georgia Scholarship Directory
Additional Scholarship Resources
- GoingMerry
- SmartScholar
- StudentScholarships.org
- Scholarship America
- Scholarships.com
- Hispanic Scholarship Fund
- United Negro College Fund
- FastWeb
- Scholly
- Unigo
- Guaranteed Scholarships
- Golden Door Scholars
- Thedream.us
- My Documented Life
From this platform, students are able to explore and apply to college, complete self-assessments, and search for scholarships. The platform can be accessed via ClassLink. Once in the platform, students will click on the Colleges tab in the upper right corner and then scroll down to the "Scholarships and Money" tab.
Scholarship Info for Juniors
Please visit www.questbridge.org for information about a scholarship program for juniors.
Please note that this is informational only and not sponsored by Fayette County High School.Scholarship Info for Seniors
Local Scholarships
To apply for local scholarships, please click here to print the application. Complete the form and turn it into the counseling office.
HOPE Scholarship
Click here to check your preliminary eligibility now.
- Select "Your HOPE GPA" from the homepage.
- Log in to your account. (Be sure your social security number is in your profile.)
- Select the first letter of your high school name.
- Select the high school name.
Federal Student Aid
Free Application for Federal Student Aid.
Additional Scholarships
Coweta-Fayette Trust Technical - Apply here.
Scholarship Scams
Beware of scams! Click here to read these important warnings.MeritAid
A comprehensive directory of merit scholarships and academic scholarships from colleges across the country. www.meritaid.com. -