Student Achievement

  • Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)

    On December 10, 2015, President Obama signed into law the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), replacing the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. The highlights of the law include:

    • Advancing equity for disadvantaged and high-needs students;
    • Preparing students to be ready for college and careers;
    • Continuing assessment for accountability purposes, but giving states greater flexibility in their assessment programs;
    • Increasing investments in preschools; and
    • Supporting innovation at the local level.

    Georgia’s ESSA plan offers a holistic education with greater emphasis on the whole child rather than solely on academic achievement. The vision is to “graduate students who are ready to learn, ready to live, and ready to lead”.


    The Governor’s Office of Student Achievement

    The Governor’s Office of Student Achievement offers meaningful information on all levels of education, from preschools to higher education institutions. Visit the Governor's Office of Student Achievement website to find more information on school report cards and other data sources.


    Georgia Department of Education

    The website for the Georgia Department of Education provides a wealth of information for parents, students, and teachers. To find more information about state-mandated assessments, visit the Georgia Department of Education's website.


    CCRPI - College and Career Ready Performance Index

    What is the College and Career Ready Performance Index (CCRPI)?  CCRPI is a comprehensive school improvement, accountability, and communication platform for all educational stakeholders that will promote college and career readiness for all Georgia public school students. More information about CCRPI can be found on the Georgia Department of Education's website. 


    Georgia Standards of Excellence

    Fayette County Public Schools uses the Georgia Standards of Excellence as the statewide curriculum. Visit the Georgia Standards website for more information.