English to Speakers of Other Languages

  • What is ESOL?

    ​English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) is a language instruction educational program provided to help ELs (English Learners) overcome language barriers and participate meaningfully in schools’ educational programs.  FCPS adheres to the guidance from the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights and the Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division, which mandates that all students who are identified as English learners, including English learners with disabilities, are provided with an educationally sound and effective English language instruction program.  

    ESOL is a powerful support which:

    • ​ESOL teachers assist in closing the academic achievement gap by providing language support that improves the instruction and the assessment of English Learners.
    • ESOL teachers collaborate with general education teachers in providing academic instruction to ELs and equip the teacher and the school staff with a greater understanding of the scaffolding needed to ensure ELs increase in English Language Proficiency and in academic achievement.
    • ESOL teachers work to build a strong relationship between home and school by reaching out to families in the language necessary to assist parents in helping their child thrive in the educational setting.

Considerations for English Learners at Risk for Dyslexia

ESOL Monthly Newsletters

  • These newsletters are an invaluable resource that will empower families to have a powerful positive impact on school success, no matter what the student's age -- from preschool through high school.  Please check back monthly as these newsletters are automatically updated each month with new and helpful tips for family engagement.  Simply click on an image to launch a full size readable version of the newsletter.

Contact Information

  • Phone: 770.460.3990

    Tammy Strickland
    ESOL Teacher 

    Susan Gillard
    Teacher Leader - Elementary

    Casey Kreitner
    Teacher Leader - Secondary

    Annette Hunt
    Administrative Assistant

    Christine Clancy
    Family Engagement Specialist, Spanish

    Kyoko Fukuyama
    Parent Liaison, Japanese


Elementary School (English)

Middle School (English)

High School (English)

Elementary School (Spanish)

Middle School (Spanish)

High School (Spanish)