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Art Teachers Spend Day Learning at the Atlanta Woodruff Arts Center

Visual art teachers from the school system’s elementary, middle and high schools took part in a special Visual Arts Professional Learning Day designed specifically for them at the Woodruff Arts Center in Atlanta.Art Teachers Spend Day Learning at the Atlanta Woodruff Arts Center

The teachers spent an entire Friday at the Center in November touring the High Museum of Art exhibit “Painter and Poet: The Wonderful World of Ashley Bryan,” watching a showing of “Freedom Over Me” at the Alliance Theatre, and learning about printmaking from teaching artist Lakeem Winborne.

At the High, the teachers viewed and studied the artwork of artist, author, and educator Ashely Bryan who has written and illustrated over 50 children’s books about African and African-American experiences. One of his books, “Freedom Over Me,” has been turned into a performance produced by the Alliance Theatre.

The book and presentation use historical documents, poetry, and artistic imagery to explore and imagine the inner lives, struggles, and dreams of slaves. Teachers used the artwork of Ashely Bryan featured in the exhibit and the book to create their printmaking designs.

The professional learning day was made possible through a partnership between the Fayette County Public School System and the Atlanta Woodruff Arts Center. This marks the fourth year of the partnership between the Woodruff Arts Center and school system.