Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do I have to register my student(s) for transportation services before they can ride a bus?

    Yes, all students must formally request bus services before riding a school bus. Click the "Bus Registration" link in the menu on the lefthand side of this page.

    How do I request transportation services?

    Click the "Bus Registration" link in the menu on the lefthand side of this page.

    Once registered, how do I confirm my student’s bus information?

    Check in Infinite Campus Parent Portal or BusQuest. Typically students are assigned within 24 hours, however it may take up to three days for new enrollments and/or address changes. 

    If the provided bus information is inaccurate, what do I do?

    Please contact the Transportation Supervisor for your school. Click here for a list of Supervisors and their contact information

    What if there is no bus information available for my student?

    • Does the student have an accurate primary address in Infinite Campus?
    • Have you registered for bus service for your student? If not, click the 'Bus Registration' link in the menu on the lefthand side of this page.
    • Does the student attend his/her zoned school? If they do not attend their zoned school because they have special permission, then the student is not eligible for bus service.
    • Does the student live in a Non-Transport Zone? If so, the student is not eligible for bus service.

    How do I express concerns or get information about my student’s transportation services?

    The Transportation Department is here to address any concerns and answer all questions that parents or guardians may have. You may simply call or email the Transportation Department. Speak with the supervisor assigned to your student's school. For a current list, click the 'Supervisors by School' link on the menu on the lefthand side of this page.

    What do I do if my student misses the bus in the morning?

    Unexpected conditions may arise that affect a given bus schedule.  If a student misses the bus, they should return home and call the school or the Transportation Department immediately, 770-460-3520, option #1.  They should never attempt to run to or travel in any way to another bus stop.  Parents should never place the student in a car and attempt to chase or find the school bus. If the bus was on schedule and the student simply missed the bus, it will be the responsibility of the parent to transport the student to school. Dispatching buses to return for late students compromises the arrival schedule for other students. We ask that all students be at their bus stop location 5 to 7 minutes prior to the scheduled arrival time.

    If I have moved, can I transport my student to another bus stop?

    No, it is important that every parent or guardian provide accurate student information to the school or the Enrollment Center.  A proper bus assignment depends on an accurate primary address. Please avoid driving students to other bus stops.  Bus drivers may not expect your student at another stop, this can easily result in students being left in areas in which they are unfamiliar.

    Can my student simply choose to use another AM or PM stop location as long as it is on the same bus?

    No, the district requires that all students utilize their permanently assigned bus stop, unless they have received a temporary “Bus Pass” from their school.  Allowing students to choose bus stops at will can compromise the capacity levels on given buses.  It also frequently results in students in areas they are unfamiliar with and parents not knowing where their students are.  The district is dedicated to providing service to and from the student’s designated permanent stop.  This ensures that both parents and school officials know when and where a student boarded or exited a bus.  This is a safety issue and is designed to ensure that all students are dropped at the proper locations.

    Can my student use an alternate bus stop location or an alternate bus on a given day or span of days?

    Transportation will be provided to and from the student's primary address.

Call Transportation with any other questions