Kindergarten Registration

  • Fayette County is now accepting enrollment applications (for current Fayette County residents) for kindergarten students for the 2024-2025 school year. Additionally, students who currently live in Fayette County and attend private school, home school, or a non-Fayette County school and plan to attend Fayette County Public Schools in the fall, can also register now for the 2024-2025 school year. Visit the Enrollment and Records Center webpage for additional information regarding the required online registration and enrollment documents.
    Students that are currently eligible to register are homeowner residents or lease residents with a contract end date of September 2024 (or beyond). Students that are registering via affidavits are eligible for enrollment beginning July 1st.  
    Please know that completing the Infinite Campus online registration (OLR) portion begins your student's registration process. Once the online registration is complete, you will receive additional email communications from the Enrollment and Records Center.
    Thank you and welcome to Fayette County Public Schools!