Child Find

  • Public Notice - In accordance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA) regulations, the Fayette County School System seeks to ensure that all students with disabilities (ages 3 - 21) who are in need of special education within its jurisdiction are identified, located, and evaluated, including those attending private and home schools. The “child find” process may include provision of appropriate interventions, referral for a comprehensive psychoeducational evaluation, and determination of eligibility for special education and related services. Parents and educational providers play key roles in this process.

    What is Child Find?

    The purpose of Child Find is to identify, locate, and evaluate children and youth, birth to age 21, who are suspected of, or have a disability or developmental delay.  

    How can children be referred?

    A referral may be made by anyone who has a concern about a child’s development.  All referrals are considered confidential.  The parent retains the right to refuse services.  Children may be referred by any of the following:

    • Parents/legal guardians/foster parents
    • Other family members
    • Physicians/health care providers
    • Preschool programs
    • School system personnel
    • Community agencies
    • Private school personnel
    • Others who are concerned about a child’s development

    If you know a child with a disability who is not being served, please notify:

    Ms. Peggy Willams, ECS Child Find, or Ms. Rosie Gwin, Director of Exceptional Children’s Services, at 770-460-3990 ext. 1224, .

    The Exceptional Children’s Services Department is located at Lafayette Educational Center, 205 LaFayette Avenue, Fayetteville, GA 30214